EFSA Schedules Consultation on Gut Health and Immune Function Health Claims
August 12th 2010As part of the European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA; Parma, Italy) ongoing series of public consultations on health claims guidance, the agency has announced that it will hold a meeting on scientific requirements for gut health and immune function health claims on December 2, 2010, in Amsterdam.
Pureflex Chondroitin Now GRAS Approved
August 5th 2010TSI Health Sciences’ (Missoula, MT) Pureflex chondroitin sulfate sodium line has obtained self-affirmed Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status for use in food and beverages. The company has also obtained self-affirmed GRAS status for its Pureflex glucosamine line. The GRAS affirmation for chondroitin was conducted by a panel of independent experts, which deemed the Pureflex products, derived from bovine, avian, marine, and porcine sources, safe when added to conventional foods and beverages.
Child Nutrition Staying on Congressional Agenda
June 18th 2010The Improving Nutrition for America’s Children Act of 2010 is the most recent initiative in Washington that could affect nationwide food standards for children. Announced by Representative George Miller (D-CA) on June 10, the bill calls for enhancing and expanding access to school food programs and “…for the first time, establish[ing] nutrition standards for all foods sold in schools,” according to Miller’s Web site.
China Okays Omega-3 as Novel Food Ingredient
April 28th 2010The People’s Republic of China recently approved omega-3 fish oil and fish oil powder as Novel Food Ingredients in food and beverages for consumers of all ages, according to Ocean Nutrition Canada (ONC; Dartmouth, NS), the supplier of MEG-3 brand omega-3 EPA/DHA food and dietary supplements.
Healthcare Bill Funds Prevention and Wellness Research
October 6th 2009For a little light, albeit wonkish, reading, pick up a copy of America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, otherwise known in town halls across the country as the Healthcare Reform Act. It begins innocently enough: "To provide affordable, quality healthcare for all Americans and reduce the growth in healthcare spending, and for other purposes."