Unigen to launch sleep and immune support ingredients at SupplySide West 2021


Unigen will be introducing two new botanical ingredients at this year’s SupplySide West Presentation Theater.

Photo © iStockphoto.com/Camrocker

Photo © iStockphoto.com/Camrocker

Unigen (Tacoma, WA) will be introducing two new botanical ingredients at this year’s SupplySide West Presentation Theater: Maizinol and UP360. Maizinol is a patented ingredient derived from Zea mays corn leaf extract that supports sleep and help manage stress. During the presentation, Mesfin Yimam, Unigen’s director of pre-clinical development will present clinical results on the ingredient, including mechanism of action, preclinical efficacy, and safety profile. A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial found that supplementation with the ingredient was associated with a statistically significant and dose-correlated increase of approximately 30% deep sleep time, improved sleep quality, and reductions in salivary cortisol. Another human clinical study with a larger cohort is currently in development.

“These collective health benefits give Maizinol a competitive edge in the market, to meet the needs from consumers who have experienced stress and lack of restful sleep under the rampage of the pandemic,” said Qi Jia, PhD, CEO and CSO of Unigen, in a press release.

UP360 is a formulation comprised of polysaccharide and polyphenol standardized extracts from aloe, poria, and rosemary for the support of immune health. Jia will be presenting pre-clinical and clinical data on UP360’s immune health benefits. For example, in an accelerated aging model, the ingredient increased key innate and acquired immunity while protecting immune organs. A triple-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial conducted by Unigen found that in influenza vaccine-immunized healthy subjects, UP360 supplementation resulted in a statistically significant increase of gamma delta T-cells, suggesting enhanced immune surveillance in mucosal membranes.

For more information on these ingredients, attend the Supplier Presentation Theater visit the Unigen booth #2957.

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