PLT Health Solutions Introduces Vanizem, A Natural Solution for Stress, Mood, and Sleep


PLT Health Solutions, partnering with Nektium, announces Vanizem, novel, fast-acting solution for cognitive health.

Image courtesy of PLT Health Solutions

Image courtesy of PLT Health Solutions

In a recent news release, PLT Health Solutions, an ingredients manufacturer based in New Jersey, announced its inclusion of a new ingredient, Vanizem, to its portfolio. Produced by PLT partner Nektium, Vanizem has been shown to provide several benefits, including reducing stress, enhancing mood, and improving sleep, according to recent research. The botanical extract is derived from Aframomum melegueta (Grains of Paradise), a West African flowering plant, with standardized bioactives. Nektium introduced Vanizem earlier this year to European markets at Vitafoods Europe in Switzerland.

“There is no doubt that cognitive health – particularly when it comes to stress, mood and sleep – has captured consumers’ attention at every age demographic. At PLT, we are focused on supporting this opportunity with a range of ingredients that offer novel benefits backed by solid clinical science,” stated Devin Stagg, Chief Operating Officer for PLT Health Solutions, in the news release. “Vanizem is exciting because it is fast-acting and experiential. Subjects taking Vanizem in the clinical trial saw statistically significant improvements at three days – with a low dose.”

Noteworthy features of Vanizem include:

  • A dose of 100-150 mg/day was used in clinical trials and improvements were seen after three days
  • Product stability from microencapsulation
  • Sustainably grown and harvested materials, and active ingredients HPLC-measured for consistency

“The clinical data on Vanizem shows that it can enhance formulations targeting stress and mood as well as those designed to promote and improve sleep,” stated Jennifer Murphy, MS, RD, Director of Innovation and Clinical Development with PLT. “The effects on sleep are especially remarkable, given subjects took it early in the day. This speaks to Vanizem’s powerful impact on stress and tension. This ingredient and these data offer a fantastic opportunity for product development creativity.”

The mechanism of action for Vanizem is also important to note, as it targets the endocannabinoid system, modulating receptors and enzymes and providing a different mechanism for affecting stress and mood.

“Vanizem is unique in this space, not just because of the exciting benefits it offers, but because of its mechanism of action – targeting the endocannabinoid system,” added Bruno Berheide, Nektium Commercial and Partnership Director. “We think consumer product companies will want to take a look at how this can help them create and message new products.”

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