This is an annual event in which industry stakeholders can meet with members of Congress and explain how public policies are impacting their businesses and consumers.
The Natural Products Association (NPA; Washington, D.C.) has announced that its annual Fly-In on Capital Hill is scheduled for Wednesday, May 22. This is an annual event in which industry stakeholders can meet with members of Congress and explain how public policies are impacting their businesses and consumers. More information about the event and reservation can be made here.
“Engagement matters; I cannot stress enough how important 2024 is for this industry,” said Daniel Fabricant, PhD, president and CEO of NPA, in a press release. “If you want a bright future for the natural products industry this is a must attend event. With razor-thin margins in the House and Senate, an important election this November, and monumental issues for the industry such as FDA’s reorganization, it is of the utmost importance that industry stakeholders attend this Fly-In.”
There are no registration costs for attending, and NPA arranges all the meetings.