Mibelle Biochemistry has launched a powdered Haskap berry extract to support physical fitness and endurance


The extract, called EnduBerry Nu, is rich in the antioxidant anthocyanin cyanidin-3-glucoside, which may help fight excessive free radicals produced during exercise.

Photo © AdobeStock.com/ricka_kinamoto

Photo © AdobeStock.com/ricka_kinamoto

Mibelle Biochemistry (Buchs, Switzerland) has launched a new powder extract sourced from Haskap berries, also known as blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea). The extract, called EnduBerry Nu, is rich in the antioxidant anthocyanin cyanidin-3-glucoside, which can help fight excessive free radicals produced during exercise that can impair cell tissue functioning, contributing to muscle fatigue during prolonged activity.

EnduBerry Nu can alleviate these effects by improving cell fitness through the upregulating of genes involved in cell defense, cell protection, and mitochondrial function, explains Mibelle in a press release. Additionally, its antioxidant activity can help boost cell proliferation. In all, these activities have the effect of reducing cell stress and inflammation in the tissue to improve physical fitness and endurance.

The extract’s positive effects on athletes were validated by a study recently published in Nutrients.1 In the double-blind, placebo controlled, independent groups design study, 30 male recreational runners given the Haskap berry extract experienced increased time to exhaustion by 20 seconds and better performance during a five kilometer time trial by about 21 seconds, representing a >2% improvement in running performance.


  1. Howatson, G.; Snaith, G.C.; Kimble, R.; Cowper, G.; Keane, K.M. Improved Endurance Running Performance Following Haskap Berry (Lonicera caerulea L.) Ingestion. Nutrient. 2022, 14 (4): 780, doi: 10.3390/nu14040780
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