Infused waters, seltzers, sodas, and shots are just a few drinkable formats for hemp-derived CBD.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is arguably the most talked about ingredient in the health products marketplace right now. Since the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp in the United States, products containing hemp’s prized compound CBD have been flooding the market. And regardless of whether you call it CBD or “hemp extract,” the end goal is to deliver CBD and other cannabinoids direct to the consumer in a satisfactory fashion.
Much of the activity in CBD products is occurring in the beverage space. Infused waters, seltzers, sodas, and shots are just a few drinkable formats for hemp-derived CBD, and brands are varied in how they’re presenting CBD education to consumers. With the exclusion of hemp products containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-the psychoactive cannabinoid for which marijuana is grown, but not hemp-we’ve compiled a short list of eye-catching CBD drink releases in the last 12 months.
Photo from Drink 420