BGG’s new CEO Shaheen Majeed plans to increase BGG’s “brand exposure” and science portfolio: Natural Products Expo West 2022 report


Shaheen Majeed, formerly president worldwide of Sabinsa Corp., says one of his key goals for BGG will be to build up its “brand exposure” as a leading supplier of natural ingredients like astaxanthin, stevia, herbal extracts, and more.

Shaheen Majeed

Shaheen Majeed

BGG World’s (BGG; Irvine, CA) new CEO Shaheen Majeed, former president worldwide of Sabinsa Corp., says one of his key goals at BGG will be to build the company's “brand exposure” as a leading supplier of natural ingredients like astaxanthin, stevia, herbal extracts, and more.

“I want more exposure of who BGG is, the BGG brand name—what we’ve done in the past and what we’re known for, which is great-quality ingredients backed by science,” he told Nutritional Outlook at March’s Natural Products Expo West trade show in Anaheim, CA.

Raising awareness about BGG’s impressive, always-expanding dossier of research on its branded ingredients will be a key focus. He noted the many clinical studies done on BGG’s ingredients—including its category-leading AstaZine astaxanthin, which last year secured patents around cardiovascular health and athletic support; its ApplePhenon apple polyphenols, with a recent skin health study; and MyrtiPro bilberry extract, which last year saw a new study published on its effects combined with AstaZine and lutein. Majeed’s previous track record has shown a strong dedication to investing in science, something he plans to continue doing at BGG. “I’m looking at doing other clinical studies and expanding that portfolio of science—I’m excited to do that,” he said.

He also plans to highlight BGG’s innovations in stevia, including Vitosa, a new line of water-soluble stevia ingredients the company introduced at the show, designed for different applications and that sidestep the need for flavor masking.

And, as always, the company continues to lead with AstaZine, an ingredient whose position in the market is “solidified,” Majeed notes, noting its strength in quality and scientific substantiation. Last year, the company also announced organic certification for AstaZine.

Thanks to BGG’s supply chain, clients can rest assured about AstaZine’s secure supply even amidst the ongoing supply chain crisis. Not only that, Majeed hinted, “There’s going to be some news coming out about AstaZine and our astaxanthin production that is really exciting. The industry is going to be really happy with what we’re doing on the supply chain.” Last fall, the company doubled production capacity at its glass tube photobioreactor microalgae farm.

All in all, Majeed said, “My two-plot play is to focus on the branding of the company itself, talking about its history, and then bringing core ingredients to the marketplace.”

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