ExcelVite has announced that it has obtained certification from the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Supply Chain Certification Standard (MSPO SCCS) after an extensive audit by the Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia.
Photo © iStockphoto.com/nui7711
ExcelVite (Chemor, Perak, Malaysia) has announced that it has obtained certification from the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Supply Chain Certification Standard (MSPO SCCS) after an extensive audit by the Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia. MSPO SCCS is mandatory for all palm oil processing facilities, and the Malaysian government has imposed an implementation deadline of January 1, 2020.
In addition to the mandated standard, ExcelVite has demonstrated its commitment to sustainable palm oil by signing an official memorandum of understanding with WWF-Malaysia to assist oil palm smallholders involved in the supply chain to achieve Certified Sustainable Palm Oil certification. Palm fruit produced by these certified smallholders will eventually be used in the production of ExcelVite’s products.
“I am delighted that we achieved another milestone in our sustainability initiative by being MSPO SCCS-certified. Our incoming feedstocks are certified sustainable from these plantations and smallholders. These are the groups that we need to pay attention to and assist when it comes to sustainability,” said WH Leong, CEO of ExcelVite, in a press release. “I am really proud that the team is able to accomplish these achievements. With this MSPO SCCS certification, our customers can be further assured that ExcelVite can deliver palm phytonutrients products in a sustainable manner and supporting these smallholders.”
“The market has a negative perception on oil palm. The fact is that the palm oil itself and the small holders are innocent and caught in between,” added Bryan See, business development manager of ExcelVite, in a press release. “People with certain agenda are behind this issue. My hope is that this MSPO SCCS certification and our sustainability initiative will bring forth the realization that not all oil palm or palm phytonutrient is created equal.”