Sarah Marion, PhD

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Sarah Marion, PhD, is director of syndicated research at Murphy Research. Murphy Research’s State of Our Health (SOOH) syndicated research program is the standard reference point for uncovering the underlying truths and trends that propel health, wellness, food, and fitness attitudes and behaviors. It is the largest and most comprehensive U.S. food and fitness tracker, offering an unparalleled depth and breadth of data informing exceptionally clear insights into almost every facet of American health and wellness. Due to SOOH’s comprehensive and longitudinal design, it can answer almost any question about food, fitness, health, or wellness, and can do so more accurately than can be achieved by looking at these topics in isolation or during a snapshot in time. The data can also be cut by key consumer subgroups of interest as needed. You can learn about SOOH, including the benefits of subscribing, by emailing Sarah Marion at


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