Jennifer Grebow is the former editor-in-chief of Nutritional Outlook, an award-winning media-content provider in the dietary supplement and natural products market. Nutritional Outlook, an MJH Life Sciences brand, provides insights and industry updates critical to manufacturers of dietary supplements, healthy foods, and nutritious beverages. Nutritional Outlook keeps industry abreast of current market trends, research updates, news, and regulatory developments. Nutritional Outlook goes beyond the 24-hour news cycle and provides in-depth analysis to help industry players navigate the challenges and changes in the near- and long-term. Nutritional Outlook is a brand of MJH Life Sciences, the largest privately held, independent, full-service medical media company in North America, dedicated to delivering trusted health care news across multiple channels.
Would Banning Plant-Based Milks from Using the Word "Milk" Really Solve Dairy’s Problems?
March 4th 2017Where I do think dairy representatives have a point is when they argue that consumers could be under the impression that dairy milks and plant-based milks are nutritionally equivalent if both are called “milk.”
FDA’s Rules for Dietary Fiber Are “Unreasonably Restrictive,” Associations Say
February 14th 2017In public comments released today in response to FDA’s recent draft guidance on dietary fiber, two industry associations told the agency that the agency’s criteria for what is considered a dietary fiber are too stringent.
Hemp Industries Association Sues DEA over Hemp Food Ingredients
February 10th 2017On February 6, the Hemp Industries Association announced it had filed a petition for a motion of contempt against the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), alleging that the agency is unlawfully trying to regulate hemp food ingredients as Schedule I drugs.
2017 Ingredient Trends to Watch for Food, Drinks, and Dietary Supplements: Magnesium
January 27th 2017As calcium sales continue to slip and magnesium sales continue to rise, at least one expert believes the day will come when magnesium overtakes calcium as the bestselling standalone mineral supplement.