Libifem, a proprietary fenugreek extract, has been clinically proven to promote a woman’s healthy libido, sexual vitality, and desire.
Libifem, a proprietary fenugreek extract, has been clinically proven to promote a woman’s healthy libido, sexual vitality, and desire. The results of a randomized, placebo-controlled study on 80 women, conducted by researchers in Brisbane, Australia, demonstrated that Libifem has a positive effect on enhancing libido in healthy, menstruating women. Sexual functioning was measured using the validated Derogatis Interview for Sexual Functioning DISF-SR (Female) index. Positive changes were observed for both physiological and psychosocial aspects, including sexual cognition, arousal, experience, orgasm, and drive, and were accompanied by a reduction in perceived fatigue levels.
Gencor Nutrients Inc.Booth US28
Sirio Pharma launches line of ready-to-market organic gummies and softgels called PureOrganix
August 26th 2024The new line is made up of three gummies and one softgel that are formulated to meet stringent EU-Organic certification criteria, and target women’s health, metabolic health, and heart health.
Nutritional Outlook's Women in Nutraceuticals Roundtable: The Future of Women's Health Research
July 19th 2024Watch "The Future of Women's Health Research," a roundtable discussion presented by Nutritional Outlook in partnership with Women in Nutraceuticals. This roundtable is supplement to a recent article commissioned by WIN and published by Nutritional Outlook, titled “Taking Initiative: Can the WHI’s model help the nutraceutical industry answer questions the study didn’t even ask?”