Sabinsa launches standardized aged garlic for heart health: 2023 SupplySide West Report


The ingredient is standardized to 0.5% S-allycysteine (SAC).

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Sabinsa Corp. (East Windsor, NJ) introduced its new aged garlic ingredient during October’s SupplySide West trade show in Las Vegas. Importantly, the company said, this aged garlic is standardized to ensure a content of 0.5% S-allycysteine (SAC), the ingredient’s active constituent, a boon for cardiovascular-health supplement manufacturers looking for a high-quality aged-garlic ingredient. The ingredient provides the benefit associated with aged garlic, notably that the harsh smell of garlic is reduced compared to fresh garlic.

The ingredient is an organosulfur-rich extract from the Allium sativum bulb. The company points out that like any agriculture product, the quality and composition of aged garlic can range depending on how the ingredient is grown, the temperature and humidity it faces, and when the ingredient is aged.

As a heart health ingredient, one of the selling points of aged garlic is that consumers are well familiar with the plant. “Garlic is acceptable as a food. Aged garlic doesn’t require any more introduction. It’s a well understood ingredient,” said Anurag Pande, PhD, vice president of scientific affairs, Sabinsa, at SupplySide West.

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