Coromega put an omega-3 product to the test, measuring blood omega-3 levels after patient supplementation.
Results of a trial on Coromega (Vista, CA) omega-3 fish oil suggest that the product can significantly increase omega-3 levels, as measured by the Holman Omega-3 Test.
As part of Coromega’s “6.2 for a Healthier You” campaign, 23 subjects were assigned to supplement with Coromega Omega-3 Squeeze and have their blood omega-3 levels assessed.
Blood omega-3 levels in the average American are estimated to be less than 5%, according to Coromega, which states that healthier levels start around 6%.
“Our preliminary findings have shown that people who take Coromega daily can achieve a score in the healthy omega-3 zone,” said Coromega scientific advisor Doug Bibus, PhD.
The Coromega product line is suitable for adults and children.