Fun fact! The income from direct honey-bee pollination of U.S. agriculture can far exceed the value of wax and honey. In 2017, income from direct honey-bee pollination was estimated to be $453 million.
The income from direct honey-bee pollination of U.S. agriculture can far exceed the value of wax and honey. In 2017, income from direct honey-bee pollination was estimated to be $453 million. Almond trees are one example of a crop entirely dependent on honey-bee pollination.
Hard to compete with horseradish
January 10th 2025Fun fact! Horseradish can be difficult to eradicate once it’s established. This is because the smallest piece of root can grow a new plant. Additionally, the plant spreads by underground shoots that out-compete most other plants which means horseradish can become invasive if not maintained.