Hear from Chemi Nutra about this potential appetite suppressant.
Learn about Chemi Nutra’s PhosphoLean ingredient at Engredea 2013. PhosphoLean NOPE + EGCG is a patented appetite suppressant compound that is clinically proven to help people stay on their diets, says the company. The ingredient reportedly blend signals the brain to switch off the sensations of hunger and helps individuals manage their stressful diets and lower diet depression. Stop by the Chemi Nutra booth and learn how PhosphoLean can be a keynote ingredient for your next weight management product.
Booth: 138
Steve Mister on CRN's ongoing lawsuit against New York State
October 11th 2024Nutritional Outlook spoke to The Council for Responsible Nutrition's president and CEO, Steve Mister, at its annual meeting, Convergence '24. Mister discussed the latest in its ongoing lawsuit against NY State's law banning the sale of weight management and muscle building products to minors.