Dr. Oz Pumps White Kidney Bean Extract, Pharmachem Warns that Only Its Phase 2 Brand Is Clinically Supported


“Simple, generic white kidney bean extracts...will not provide the benefits nor the safety as described on the Dr. Oz program,” stated Mitch Skop.

Television personality Dr. Oz has been promoting white kidney bean extract as an effective ingredient for reducing starch digestion and aiding in weight control. However, Phase 2 brand white kidney bean extract supplier Pharmachem Laboratories Inc. (Kearny, NJ) is reminding consumers that only its patented formula has been clinically studied and shown to support these effects.

“Simple, generic white kidney bean extracts do not offer adequate potency or stability to perform like Phase 2 and will not provide the benefits nor the safety as described on the Dr. Oz program,” stated Mitch Skop, Pharmachem’s director of new product development. “We are ecstatic over the coverage…and worked with Dr. Oz’s diet and fitness expert, Lisa Lynn, providing background for her interviews, and are pleased with the attention. However, of late we have become concerned about interesting new products labeled simply as ‘white kidney bean extract.’”

While the company believes Dr. Oz promoted the benefits white kidney bean extracts after being impressed by the ingredient’s research, Skop reminded the public that “Phase 2 is the first clinically studied extract of the white kidney bean shown to reduce starch digestion and aid in weight control. It is the only white bean extract backed by numerous clinical studies for efficacy and is GRAS.”

“Generic white kidney beans have no similar studies, and thus cannot make claims about starch reduction or weight control…” he concluded.

Pharmachem says it is requested that Dr. Oz reference the Phase 2 brand name in any future stories he does on white kidney bean extract. “Ultimately, it’s about making sure the customer and the consumer are getting the proper information about what they are buying, and aren’t being fooled by imitations riding on our research,” Skop said. “Unfortunately, it is a phenomenon that occurs all too often in our industry.”

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