The hot pepper extract can be consumed without oral or gastric irritation.
Capsimax, a hot pepper extract developed by OmniActive Health Technologies (Short Hills, NJ), received the “Most Innovative Ingredient” award at last month’s Vitafoods Europe event in Geneva.
The ingredient benefits from its unique ability to be ingested without oral or gastric irritation. Applications include weight management, diet control, and sport nutrition.
“We continue to invest extensively in research to further substantiate the health benefits of Capsimax, as well as educate the broader scientific community, nutraceutical industry and general population about how Capsimax helps manage the appetite, support healthy metabolism to burn calories, increase energy expenditure in the body and support lipolysis, a breakdown of fat cells,” said OmniActive vice president Hiren Doshi.
Steve Mister on CRN's ongoing lawsuit against New York State
October 11th 2024Nutritional Outlook spoke to The Council for Responsible Nutrition's president and CEO, Steve Mister, at its annual meeting, Convergence '24. Mister discussed the latest in its ongoing lawsuit against NY State's law banning the sale of weight management and muscle building products to minors.